A templating language that looks like Lisp and compiles to HTML
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

selfClosingTags.js 228B

  1. module.exports = [
  2. 'area',
  3. 'base',
  4. 'br',
  5. 'col',
  6. 'command',
  7. '!doctype',
  8. '!DOCTYPE',
  9. 'embed',
  10. 'hr',
  11. 'img',
  12. 'input',
  13. 'keygen',
  14. 'link',
  15. 'menuitem',
  16. 'meta',
  17. 'param',
  18. 'source',
  19. 'track',
  20. 'wbr',
  21. ]