A templating language that looks like Lisp and compiles to HTML
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

compiler.js 2.0KB

  1. const util = require('util')
  2. const selfClosingTags = require('./util/selfClosingTags')
  3. module.exports = class Compiler {
  4. constructor(tree, context) {
  5. this.tree = tree
  6. this.context = context
  7. this.pos = 0
  8. this.result = ''
  9. this.standardLibrary = {
  10. cond: function(predicate, left, right) {
  11. if (predicate) {
  12. let compiler = new Compiler([left], this.context)
  13. return compiler.compile()
  14. } else {
  15. let compiler = new Compiler([right], this.context)
  16. return compiler.compile()
  17. }
  18. },
  19. }
  20. }
  21. compile() {
  22. this.tree.forEach(node => {
  23. switch (node.constructor.name) {
  24. case 'Application':
  25. this.result += this.application(node)
  26. break;
  27. case 'String':
  28. this.result += node.value;
  29. break;
  30. case 'Identifier':
  31. this.result += this.lookup(node)
  32. break;
  33. }
  34. })
  35. return this.result
  36. }
  37. application(node) {
  38. if (this.standardLibrary[node.functionName.name]) {
  39. return this.standardLibrary[node.functionName.name](...node.args)
  40. }
  41. return this.htmlElement(node)
  42. }
  43. htmlElement(node) {
  44. let result = `<${node.functionName.name}`
  45. node.args.filter(arg => arg.constructor.name === 'Attribute').forEach(arg => {
  46. result += ` ${arg.name}`
  47. let compiler = new Compiler([arg.value], this.context)
  48. let attrValue = compiler.compile()
  49. if (attrValue) {
  50. result += `="${attrValue}"`
  51. }
  52. })
  53. result += '>'
  54. node.args.filter(arg => arg.constructor.name !== 'Attribute').forEach(arg => {
  55. let compiler = new Compiler([arg], this.context)
  56. result += compiler.compile()
  57. })
  58. if (!selfClosingTags.includes(node.functionName.name)) {
  59. result += `</${node.functionName.name}>`
  60. }
  61. return result
  62. }
  63. lookup(identifier) {
  64. let result = this.context[identifier.name]
  65. if (!result) {
  66. throw `Undefined variable '${identifier.name}'`
  67. }
  68. return result
  69. }
  70. currentNode() {
  71. return this.tree[this.pos]
  72. }
  73. }