A templating language that looks like Lisp and compiles to HTML
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

lexer.js 3.1KB

  1. const TokenStream = require("./tokenStream");
  2. const tokenTypes = require("./tokenTypes");
  3. module.exports = class Lexer {
  4. scan(source) {
  5. let pos = 0;
  6. let line = 1;
  7. let tokenStream = new TokenStream();
  8. let allowSpecialCharactersInLiterals = false;
  9. while (pos < source.length) {
  10. if (source[pos].match(/\(/) && !allowSpecialCharactersInLiterals) {
  11. tokenStream.tokens.push({
  12. type: tokenTypes.OPAREN,
  13. line: line
  14. });
  15. pos++;
  16. } else if (source[pos].match(/\)/)) {
  17. tokenStream.tokens.push({
  18. type: tokenTypes.CPAREN,
  19. line: line
  20. });
  21. pos++;
  22. } else if (source[pos].match(/["]/)) {
  23. allowSpecialCharactersInLiterals = !allowSpecialCharactersInLiterals;
  24. tokenStream.tokens.push({
  25. type: tokenTypes.QUOTE,
  26. line: line
  27. });
  28. pos++;
  29. } else if (source[pos].match(/:/)) {
  30. let value = /:([^()'"\s]+)/.exec(source.slice(pos))[1].trim();
  31. tokenStream.tokens.push({
  32. type: tokenTypes.ATTRIBUTE,
  33. line: line,
  34. value: value
  35. });
  36. pos += value.length + 1; // the +1 is to account for the colon
  37. } else if (source[pos].match(/\'/)) {
  38. let value = /'([^()"\s]+)/.exec(source.slice(pos))[1].trim();
  39. tokenStream.tokens.push({
  40. type: tokenTypes.SYMBOL,
  41. line: line,
  42. value: value
  43. });
  44. pos += value.length + 1; // the +1 is to account for the apostrophe
  45. } else if (source[pos].match(/\,/)) {
  46. tokenStream.tokens.push({
  47. type: tokenTypes.COMMA,
  48. line: line,
  49. value: value
  50. });
  51. pos += 1;
  52. } else if (source[pos].match(/\d/)) {
  53. let number = "";
  54. while (source[pos] && source[pos].match(/\d/)) {
  55. number += source[pos];
  56. pos++;
  57. }
  58. tokenStream.tokens.push({
  59. type: tokenTypes.NUMBER,
  60. line: line,
  61. value: parseFloat(number)
  62. });
  63. } else if (source.slice(pos).match(/^#(t|f)/)) {
  64. pos++;
  65. tokenStream.tokens.push({
  66. type: tokenTypes.BOOLEAN,
  67. line: line,
  68. value: source[pos] === "t" ? true : false
  69. });
  70. pos++;
  71. } else if (source[pos].match(/\n/)) {
  72. line++;
  73. pos++;
  74. } else if (source[pos].match(/\s/)) {
  75. pos++;
  76. } else {
  77. let endPattern = /[^()"':\s]+/;
  78. if (allowSpecialCharactersInLiterals) {
  79. endPattern = /[^"']+/;
  80. }
  81. let value = endPattern.exec(source.slice(pos))[0].trim();
  82. if (allowSpecialCharactersInLiterals) {
  83. tokenStream.tokens.push({
  84. type: tokenTypes.LITERAL,
  85. line: line,
  86. value: value
  87. });
  88. } else {
  89. tokenStream.tokens.push({
  90. type: tokenTypes.IDENTIFIER,
  91. line: line,
  92. value: value.trim()
  93. });
  94. }
  95. pos += value.length;
  96. }
  97. }
  98. tokenStream.tokens.push({
  99. type: tokenTypes.EOF,
  100. line: line
  101. });
  102. return tokenStream;
  103. }
  104. };