A stylesheet language written in TypeScript that compiles to CSS
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parser.ts 11KB

  1. import * as AST from './ast';
  2. import { Error } from './error';
  3. import Token, { TokenTypes } from './token';
  4. export class ParserError implements Error {
  5. public message: string;
  6. public line: number;
  7. public module?: string;
  8. public constructor(message: string, line: number, module?: string) {
  9. this.message = message;
  10. this.line = line;
  11. this.module = module;
  12. }
  13. }
  14. export type ParserResult = { tree: AST.Node[]; module?: string } | ParserError;
  15. export default class Parser {
  16. private tokens: Token[];
  17. private module?: string;
  18. private tree: AST.Node[];
  19. private position: number;
  20. public constructor(lexerResult: { tokens: Token[]; module?: string }) {
  21. this.tokens = lexerResult.tokens;
  22. this.module = lexerResult.module;
  23. this.tree = [];
  24. this.position = 0;
  25. }
  26. public parse(): ParserResult {
  27. while (this.currentToken().type != TokenTypes.EOF) {
  28. const expr = this.expr();
  29. if (expr instanceof ParserError) return expr;
  30. this.tree.push(expr);
  31. }
  32. this.eat(TokenTypes.EOF);
  33. return {
  34. tree: this.tree,
  35. module: this.module,
  36. };
  37. }
  38. private expr(): AST.Node | ParserError {
  39. const currentToken = this.currentToken();
  40. switch (currentToken.type) {
  41. case TokenTypes.LITERAL:
  42. case TokenTypes.IDENTIFIER:
  43. return this.value();
  44. case TokenTypes.LPAREN:
  45. if (
  46. this.nextToken() &&
  47. this.nextToken().type === TokenTypes.FUNCTION_NAME
  48. ) {
  49. switch (this.nextToken().value) {
  50. case 'let':
  51. return this.let();
  52. case 'media':
  53. return this.mediaQuery();
  54. case 'keyframes':
  55. return this.keyframes();
  56. case 'mixin':
  57. return this.mixin();
  58. default:
  59. return this.application();
  60. }
  61. return this.error(
  62. `Undefined function '${this.nextToken().value}`,
  63. this.nextToken()
  64. );
  65. }
  66. return this.ruleSet();
  67. default:
  68. return this.error(`Unexpected ${currentToken.type}`, currentToken);
  69. }
  70. return this.error(`Unexpected ${currentToken.type}`, currentToken);
  71. }
  72. private let(): AST.Let | ParserError {
  73. const lParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.LPAREN);
  74. if (lParen instanceof ParserError) return lParen;
  75. const letToken = this.eat(TokenTypes.FUNCTION_NAME);
  76. if (letToken instanceof ParserError) return letToken;
  77. const bindings: AST.Binding[] = [];
  78. while (this.currentToken().type === TokenTypes.IDENTIFIER) {
  79. const identifier = this.identifier();
  80. if (identifier instanceof ParserError) return identifier;
  81. const value = this.value();
  82. if (value instanceof ParserError) return value;
  83. bindings.push(new AST.Binding(identifier, value));
  84. }
  85. const children: AST.Node[] = [];
  86. while (this.currentToken().type === TokenTypes.LPAREN) {
  87. const body = this.expr();
  88. if (body instanceof ParserError) return body;
  89. children.push(body);
  90. }
  91. const rParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.RPAREN);
  92. if (rParen instanceof ParserError) return rParen;
  93. return new AST.Let(bindings, children);
  94. }
  95. private mediaQuery(): AST.MediaQuery | ParserError {
  96. const lParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.LPAREN);
  97. if (lParen instanceof ParserError) return lParen;
  98. const mediaToken = this.eat(TokenTypes.FUNCTION_NAME);
  99. if (mediaToken instanceof ParserError) return mediaToken;
  100. const propertyToken = this.eat(TokenTypes.PROPERTY);
  101. if (propertyToken instanceof ParserError) return propertyToken;
  102. const property = new AST.Property(propertyToken);
  103. const value = this.value();
  104. if (value instanceof ParserError) return value;
  105. const predicate = new AST.MediaQueryPredicate(property, value);
  106. const children: AST.Node[] = [];
  107. while (this.currentToken().type === TokenTypes.LPAREN) {
  108. const body = this.expr();
  109. if (body instanceof ParserError) return body;
  110. children.push(body);
  111. }
  112. const rParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.RPAREN);
  113. if (rParen instanceof ParserError) return rParen;
  114. return new AST.MediaQuery(predicate, children);
  115. }
  116. private keyframes(): AST.Keyframes | ParserError {
  117. const lParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.LPAREN);
  118. if (lParen instanceof ParserError) return lParen;
  119. const keyframesToken = this.eat(TokenTypes.FUNCTION_NAME);
  120. if (keyframesToken instanceof ParserError) return keyframesToken;
  121. const name = this.literal();
  122. if (name instanceof ParserError) return name;
  123. const children: AST.Node[] = [];
  124. while (this.currentToken().type === TokenTypes.LPAREN) {
  125. const body = this.expr();
  126. if (body instanceof ParserError) return body;
  127. children.push(body);
  128. }
  129. const rParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.RPAREN);
  130. if (rParen instanceof ParserError) return rParen;
  131. return new AST.Keyframes(name, children);
  132. }
  133. private mixin(): AST.Mixin | ParserError {
  134. const lParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.LPAREN);
  135. if (lParen instanceof ParserError) return lParen;
  136. const mixinToken = this.eat(TokenTypes.FUNCTION_NAME);
  137. if (mixinToken instanceof ParserError) return mixinToken;
  138. const name = this.eat(TokenTypes.LITERAL);
  139. if (name instanceof ParserError) return name;
  140. const openParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.LPAREN);
  141. if (openParen instanceof ParserError) return openParen;
  142. const parameters: AST.Identifier[] = [];
  143. while (this.currentToken().type === TokenTypes.IDENTIFIER) {
  144. const param = this.identifier();
  145. if (param instanceof ParserError) return param;
  146. parameters.push(param);
  147. }
  148. const closeParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.RPAREN);
  149. if (closeParen instanceof ParserError) return closeParen;
  150. const children: AST.Child[] = [];
  151. while (
  152. [TokenTypes.PROPERTY, TokenTypes.LPAREN].includes(
  153. this.currentToken().type
  154. )
  155. ) {
  156. const child = this.child();
  157. if (child instanceof ParserError) return child;
  158. children.push(child);
  159. }
  160. const rParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.RPAREN);
  161. if (rParen instanceof ParserError) return rParen;
  162. return new AST.Mixin(name, parameters, children);
  163. }
  164. private application(): AST.Application | ParserError {
  165. const lParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.LPAREN);
  166. if (lParen instanceof ParserError) return lParen;
  167. const functionToken = this.eat(TokenTypes.FUNCTION_NAME);
  168. if (functionToken instanceof ParserError) return functionToken;
  169. const functionName = new AST.Literal(functionToken);
  170. const args: AST.Node[] = [];
  171. while (this.currentToken().type !== TokenTypes.RPAREN) {
  172. const argument = this.expr();
  173. if (argument instanceof ParserError) return argument;
  174. args.push(argument);
  175. }
  176. const rParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.RPAREN);
  177. if (rParen instanceof ParserError) return rParen;
  178. return new AST.Application(functionName, args);
  179. }
  180. private ruleSet(parents: AST.Selector[] = []): AST.RuleSet | ParserError {
  181. const lParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.LPAREN);
  182. if (lParen instanceof ParserError) return lParen;
  183. const selectors: AST.Selector[] = [];
  184. const selector = this.selector(parents);
  185. if (selector instanceof ParserError) return selector;
  186. selectors.push(selector);
  187. while (this.currentToken().type === TokenTypes.COMMA) {
  188. this.eat(TokenTypes.COMMA);
  189. const selector = this.selector(parents);
  190. if (selector instanceof ParserError) return selector;
  191. selectors.push(selector);
  192. }
  193. const children: (AST.Child)[] = [];
  194. while (
  195. [TokenTypes.PROPERTY, TokenTypes.LPAREN].includes(
  196. this.currentToken().type
  197. )
  198. ) {
  199. const child = this.child(selectors);
  200. if (child instanceof ParserError) return child;
  201. children.push(child);
  202. }
  203. const rParen = this.eat(TokenTypes.RPAREN);
  204. if (rParen instanceof ParserError) return rParen;
  205. return new AST.RuleSet(selectors, children);
  206. }
  207. private value():
  208. | AST.Literal
  209. | AST.Identifier
  210. | AST.Application
  211. | ParserError {
  212. const type = this.currentToken().type;
  213. switch (type) {
  214. case TokenTypes.LITERAL:
  215. return this.literal();
  216. case TokenTypes.IDENTIFIER:
  217. return this.identifier();
  218. case TokenTypes.LPAREN:
  219. if (this.nextToken().type === TokenTypes.FUNCTION_NAME)
  220. return this.application();
  221. default:
  222. return this.error(`Unexpected ${type}`, this.currentToken());
  223. }
  224. }
  225. private literal(): AST.Literal | ParserError {
  226. const literal = this.eat(TokenTypes.LITERAL);
  227. if (literal instanceof ParserError) return literal;
  228. return new AST.Literal(literal);
  229. }
  230. private property(): AST.Property | ParserError {
  231. const property = this.eat(TokenTypes.PROPERTY);
  232. if (property instanceof ParserError) return property;
  233. return new AST.Property(property);
  234. }
  235. private identifier(): AST.Identifier | ParserError {
  236. const identifier = this.eat(TokenTypes.IDENTIFIER);
  237. if (identifier instanceof ParserError) return identifier;
  238. return new AST.Identifier(identifier);
  239. }
  240. private selector(parents: AST.Selector[] = []): AST.Selector | ParserError {
  241. const literal = this.literal();
  242. if (literal instanceof ParserError) return literal;
  243. return new AST.Selector(literal.value, parents);
  244. }
  245. private child(parents: AST.Selector[] = []): AST.Child | ParserError {
  246. if (this.currentToken().type === TokenTypes.PROPERTY) {
  247. const property = this.property();
  248. if (property instanceof ParserError) return property;
  249. const value = this.value();
  250. if (value instanceof ParserError) return value;
  251. return new AST.Rule(property, value);
  252. } else if (this.currentToken().type === TokenTypes.LPAREN) {
  253. if (this.nextToken().type === TokenTypes.LITERAL) {
  254. return this.ruleSet(parents);
  255. } else if (this.nextToken().type === TokenTypes.FUNCTION_NAME) {
  256. if (this.nextToken().value === 'media') {
  257. return this.mediaQuery();
  258. }
  259. return this.application();
  260. }
  261. }
  262. return this.error(
  263. `Unexpected ${
  264. this.nextToken().type
  265. }; expected literal or function/macro application`,
  266. this.nextToken()
  267. );
  268. }
  269. private eat(type: TokenTypes): Token | ParserError {
  270. const token = this.currentToken();
  271. if (type === token.type) {
  272. this.position += 1;
  273. return token;
  274. }
  275. return this.error(`Unexpected ${token.type}; expected ${type}`, token);
  276. }
  277. private currentToken(): Token {
  278. return this.tokens[this.position];
  279. }
  280. private nextToken(): Token {
  281. return this.tokens[this.position + 1];
  282. }
  283. private error(message: string, token: Token) {
  284. return new ParserError(message, token.line, token.module);
  285. }
  286. }