A stylesheet language written in TypeScript that compiles to CSS
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

  1. import { Application } from './ast/application';
  2. import { Identifier } from './ast/identifier';
  3. import { Keyframes } from './ast/keyframes';
  4. import { Let } from './ast/let';
  5. import { Literal } from './ast/literal';
  6. import { MediaQuery } from './ast/mediaQuery';
  7. import { MediaQueryPredicate } from './ast/mediaQueryPredicate';
  8. import { Mixin } from './ast/mixin';
  9. import { Property } from './ast/property';
  10. import { Rule } from './ast/rule';
  11. import { RuleSet } from './ast/ruleSet';
  12. export type Child = Rule | RuleSet | Application | MediaQuery | Mixin;
  13. export type Value = Literal | Identifier | Application;
  14. export type Node =
  15. | Application
  16. | Identifier
  17. | Keyframes
  18. | Let
  19. | Literal
  20. | MediaQuery
  21. | MediaQueryPredicate
  22. | Mixin
  23. | Property
  24. | Rule
  25. | RuleSet;
  26. export * from './ast/application';
  27. export * from './ast/binding';
  28. export * from './ast/identifier';
  29. export * from './ast/keyframes';
  30. export * from './ast/let';
  31. export * from './ast/literal';
  32. export * from './ast/mediaQuery';
  33. export * from './ast/mediaQueryPredicate';
  34. export * from './ast/mixin';
  35. export * from './ast/property';
  36. export * from './ast/rule';
  37. export * from './ast/ruleSet';
  38. export * from './ast/selector';
  39. export interface Opts {
  40. depth: number;
  41. prettyPrint: boolean;
  42. }