Moss syntax highlighting
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

moss.vim 334B

  1. if exists("b:current_syn")
  2. finish
  3. endif
  4. let b:current_syn = "moss"
  5. syn match mossIdentifier "\v\$[a-z-]+"
  6. syn match mossFunction "\v\@[a-z-]+"
  7. syn match mossParen "\v[()]"
  8. syn match mossProperty "\v\:[a-z-]+"
  9. hi link mossIdentifier Identifier
  10. hi link mossFunction Function
  11. hi link mossParen Special
  12. hi link mossProperty Constant