Conway's Game of Life as a React web app
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Dylan Baker 3848384363 Stop if there are no remaining living cells 3 lat temu
Board.tsx Stop if there are no remaining living cells 3 lat temu
Cell.tsx Reset button stops the game 3 lat temu
Controls.tsx Add import and export 3 lat temu
index.css Add generation counter 3 lat temu
index.tsx Rearrange to avoid position: absolute 3 lat temu
lib.ts Allow decreasing grid dimensions 3 lat temu
logo.svg Initialize project using Create React App 3 lat temu
react-app-env.d.ts Initialize project using Create React App 3 lat temu
reportWebVitals.ts Initialize project using Create React App 3 lat temu
setupTests.ts Initialize project using Create React App 3 lat temu