A static site generator written in Haskell
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

Post.hs 1.2KB

  1. module Post where
  2. import qualified Data.Text as T
  3. import System.FilePath
  4. import Text.Pandoc
  5. type RawPost = (FilePath, T.Text)
  6. type RichPost = (FilePath, Pandoc)
  7. parsePosts :: [RawPost] -> [(FilePath, Either PandocError Pandoc)]
  8. parsePosts = map (\(path, contents) -> (path, parsePost contents))
  9. parsePost :: T.Text -> Either PandocError Pandoc
  10. parsePost contents = runPure $ readMarkdown readerOptions contents
  11. renderPosts :: String -> [RichPost] -> [(FilePath, Either PandocError T.Text)]
  12. renderPosts layout =
  13. map (\(path, post) -> (path, renderPost layout (path, post)))
  14. renderPost :: String -> RichPost -> Either PandocError T.Text
  15. renderPost layout (path, post) =
  16. runPure $ writeHtml5String (writerOptions $ Just layout) post
  17. readerOptions :: ReaderOptions
  18. readerOptions =
  19. let extensions = extensionsFromList
  20. [ Ext_fenced_code_attributes
  21. , Ext_fenced_code_blocks
  22. , Ext_footnotes
  23. , Ext_link_attributes
  24. , Ext_yaml_metadata_block
  25. ]
  26. in def { readerExtensions = extensions }
  27. writerOptions :: Maybe String -> WriterOptions
  28. writerOptions layout = case layout of
  29. Just t -> def { writerTemplate = Just t }
  30. Nothing -> def