A static site generator written in Haskell
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

Utils.hs 1.6KB

  1. module Utils
  2. ( basename
  3. , errorsAndResults
  4. , escapeHTML
  5. , lookupMeta'
  6. , makeFullFilePath
  7. , sortByDate
  8. )
  9. where
  10. import Data.Aeson ( toJSON
  11. , Value
  12. )
  13. import Data.List
  14. import Data.Ord
  15. import qualified Data.Text as T
  16. import System.Directory
  17. import System.FilePath
  18. import Text.Pandoc
  19. basename :: FilePath -> String
  20. basename = dropExtension . takeFileName
  21. errorsAndResults
  22. :: [(FilePath, Either PandocError a)] -> ([PandocError], [(FilePath, a)])
  23. errorsAndResults xs =
  24. let errors = [ error | result@(_, Left error) <- xs ]
  25. results = [ (path, a) | result@(path, Right a) <- xs ]
  26. in (errors, results)
  27. lookupMeta' :: String -> Meta -> T.Text
  28. lookupMeta' key meta = case lookupMeta key meta of
  29. Just value -> renderMeta value
  30. Nothing -> T.empty
  31. makeFullFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
  32. makeFullFilePath root path = makeAbsolute $ joinPath [root, path]
  33. renderMeta :: MetaValue -> T.Text
  34. renderMeta (MetaInlines meta) =
  35. case runPure $ writePlain (def Nothing) (Pandoc nullMeta [Plain meta]) of
  36. Left err -> T.empty
  37. Right text -> text
  38. getDate :: Pandoc -> T.Text
  39. getDate (Pandoc m _) = lookupMeta' "date" m
  40. sortByDate :: [(FilePath, Pandoc)] -> [(FilePath, Pandoc)]
  41. sortByDate = sortBy (flip (comparing $ getDate . snd))
  42. escapeHTML :: String -> String
  43. escapeHTML = concatMap f
  44. where
  45. f '>' = "&gt;"
  46. f '<' = "&lt;"
  47. f '&' = "&amp;"
  48. f '\"' = "&quot;"
  49. f '\'' = "&#39;"
  50. f x = [x]