A static site generator written in Haskell
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

Build.hs 2.4KB

  1. module Build where
  2. import Data.Aeson
  3. import qualified Data.Text as T
  4. import Data.Time
  5. import GHC.Exts ( fromList )
  6. import System.FilePath
  7. import Text.Pandoc
  8. import Post ( renderPost
  9. , RawPost
  10. , RichPost
  11. )
  12. import Utils ( escapeHTML
  13. , lookupMeta'
  14. , sortByDate
  15. )
  16. parseDay :: String -> Day
  17. parseDay = parseTimeOrError True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d"
  18. buildRawPost :: FilePath -> IO RawPost
  19. buildRawPost path = do
  20. contents <- readFile path
  21. return (path, T.pack contents)
  22. buildIndexPage :: String -> [RichPost] -> Either String T.Text
  23. buildIndexPage layout rawPosts = case compileTemplate (T.pack layout) of
  24. Left err -> Left err
  25. Right template -> Right $ renderTemplate template (buildPostListing rawPosts)
  26. buildPostListing :: [RichPost] -> Value
  27. buildPostListing posts =
  28. let postListing = map buildPostListingItem (sortByDate posts)
  29. in object [(T.pack "posts", Array $ fromList postListing)]
  30. buildPostListingItem :: RichPost -> Value
  31. buildPostListingItem (path, Pandoc m b) =
  32. let keys = ["title", "date", "slug"]
  33. bindings = map (\key -> T.pack key .= lookupMeta' key m) keys
  34. body = case renderPost "<article>$body$</article>" (path, Pandoc m b) of
  35. Left _error -> ""
  36. Right contents -> T.unpack contents
  37. in object
  38. $ bindings
  39. ++ [ ( T.pack "link"
  40. , toJSON
  41. $ T.concat [T.pack "/posts/", lookupMeta' "slug" m, T.pack "/"]
  42. )
  43. , (T.pack "body", toJSON $ escapeHTML body)
  44. , ( T.pack "iso_date"
  45. , toJSON $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale
  46. "%a, %d %b %Y 00:00:00 +0000"
  47. (parseDay (T.unpack $ lookupMeta' "date" m))
  48. )
  49. ]
  50. buildRSSFeed :: String -> [RichPost] -> Either String T.Text
  51. buildRSSFeed layout posts = case compileTemplate (T.pack layout) of
  52. Left err -> Left err
  53. Right template -> Right $ renderTemplate template (buildPostListing posts)