A static site generator written in Haskell
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

  1. module Main where
  2. import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
  3. import Control.Monad
  4. import Data.Aeson
  5. import qualified Data.Map as M
  6. import qualified Data.Text as T
  7. import Path ( parseAbsDir
  8. , toFilePath
  9. )
  10. import Path.IO ( copyDirRecur )
  11. import System.Console.ArgParser
  12. import System.Directory
  13. import System.FilePath
  14. import System.FSNotify
  15. import Text.Pandoc
  16. import Build ( buildRawPost
  17. , buildIndexPage
  18. , buildRSSFeed
  19. , buildPostListing
  20. , buildPostListingItem
  21. )
  22. import CLI ( argParser
  23. , Config
  24. , Config(..)
  25. )
  26. import Post ( parsePost
  27. , parsePosts
  28. , renderPost
  29. , renderPosts
  30. , RawPost
  31. , RichPost
  32. )
  33. import Read ( readIndexTemplate
  34. , readPostTemplate
  35. , readRSSTemplate
  36. , readPostContents
  37. )
  38. import Templates ( defaultIndexTemplate
  39. , defaultPostTemplate
  40. )
  41. import Utils ( errorsAndResults
  42. , lookupMeta'
  43. , makeFullFilePath
  44. , sortByDate
  45. )
  46. import Write ( writeIndexPage
  47. , writePost
  48. , writeRSSFeed
  49. )
  50. setUpBuildDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
  51. setUpBuildDirectory path = do
  52. buildPathExists <- doesDirectoryExist path
  53. when buildPathExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive path
  54. createDirectory path
  55. createDirectory $ joinPath [path, "posts"]
  56. copyAssetsDir :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
  57. copyAssetsDir root build = do
  58. sourcePath <- parseAbsDir $ joinPath [root, "assets"]
  59. destPath <- parseAbsDir $ joinPath [build, "assets"]
  60. sourcePathExists <- doesDirectoryExist $ toFilePath sourcePath
  61. when sourcePathExists $ copyDirRecur sourcePath destPath
  62. build :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()
  63. build dir drafts = do
  64. cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
  65. root <- if dir == "." then makeAbsolute cwd else makeAbsolute dir
  66. build <- makeAbsolute $ joinPath [root, "build"]
  67. indexTemplate <- readIndexTemplate root
  68. postTemplate <- readPostTemplate root
  69. rssTemplate <- readRSSTemplate root
  70. postContents <- readPostContents root drafts
  71. let (parseErrors, parsedPosts) = errorsAndResults $ parsePosts postContents
  72. case parseErrors of
  73. [] ->
  74. let (renderErrors, renderedPosts) =
  75. errorsAndResults $ renderPosts postTemplate parsedPosts
  76. in case renderErrors of
  77. [] -> do
  78. setUpBuildDirectory build
  79. mapM_ (writePost build) renderedPosts
  80. case buildIndexPage indexTemplate parsedPosts of
  81. Left err -> putStrLn err
  82. Right indexPage -> writeIndexPage build indexPage
  83. case buildRSSFeed rssTemplate parsedPosts of
  84. Left err -> putStrLn err
  85. Right rssFeed -> writeRSSFeed build rssFeed
  86. copyAssetsDir root build
  87. _ -> putStrLn $ unlines $ map show renderErrors
  88. _ -> putStrLn $ unlines $ map show parseErrors
  89. handleEvent :: FilePath -> Bool -> Event -> IO ()
  90. handleEvent dir drafts _event = do
  91. putStrLn "Rebuilding"
  92. build dir drafts
  93. watch :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()
  94. watch dir drafts = do
  95. withManager $ \mgr -> do
  96. putStrLn "Watching..."
  97. watchTree
  98. mgr
  99. dir
  100. (const True)
  101. (handleEvent dir drafts)
  102. forever $ threadDelay 1000000
  103. new :: String -> IO ()
  104. new name = do
  105. path <- makeAbsolute name
  106. directoryExists <- doesDirectoryExist path
  107. if directoryExists
  108. then putStrLn $ "Error: Directory " ++ name ++ " already exists"
  109. else do
  110. createDirectory path
  111. createDirectory $ joinPath [path, "posts"]
  112. createDirectory $ joinPath [path, "drafts"]
  113. createDirectory $ joinPath [path, "templates"]
  114. writeFile (joinPath [path, "templates", "_index.html"])
  115. defaultIndexTemplate
  116. writeFile (joinPath [path, "templates", "_post.html"]) defaultPostTemplate
  117. run :: Config -> IO ()
  118. run config = case config of
  119. (Build dir drafts) -> build dir drafts
  120. (Watch dir drafts) -> watch dir drafts
  121. (New name ) -> new name
  122. main :: IO ()
  123. main = do
  124. config <- argParser
  125. runApp config run